You want to fly on water?! Learn to ride a kite and enter this fabulous world of sea wind and adrenaline. The kite course is mainly offered in a package of 8 one-hour sessions. The first 4 lessons take place on land and the next 4 in the water. The school provides the necessary equipment: wetsuit, trapeze, impact or buoyancy aid, helmet with transceiver (radio helmet) and a full kite.
- The kite surfing course for beginners is available to all those who would like to start this fantastic sport. It is suitable for everyone and the important thing is to enjoy proper health and the ability to swim. The kitesurfing course for beginners consists of the following steps:
- Theory of VO40 techniques and safety regulations
- Practice on the ground with the trainer
- Practice on the ground and in the water with a kite
- Techniques for relaunching the kite from water and self rescue
- Body drag
- Departures with the board
- First edges.
- The intermediate level courses are aimed both at those who want to improve their skills and who want to master freestyle. The courses allow you to quickly and safely learn the gaits of navigation improve the upwind, learn the technique of jumping These courses allow you to progress more quickly avoiding the risks of a self-taught learning. The instructor will follow the student with another kite providing instructions by voice, electronic or helmet and will also be make some video footage to view and analyze afterwards.
- This course is aimed for those who are looking to progress in jumps, trying and perfecting the individual movements up to the most technical jumps The freestyle course is fully customizable and will ensure constant learning throughout the duration of the lessons. The variety of jumps that you can learn while attending the course is extremely wide-ranging as you can learn how to -jump and experience unhooked pop and raley, riding blind and raley to blind, sbend or unhooked kite loop power jumps.
- Il corso di kitesurf per principianti si rrvo4ge a tutti coloro che vogliono iniziare questo meraviglioso sport. E adatto a tutti l'importante è godere di buona salute e saper nuotare IIcorso di kitesurf per principianti si articola nelle seguenti fasi.
- Theory of VO40 techniques and safety regulations
- Practice on the ground with the trainer
- Practice on the ground and in the water with a kite
- Techniques for relaunching the kite from water and self rescue
- Body drag
- Departures with the board
- First edges.
- I corsi di livello intermedio si rivolgono sia a chi intende perfezionare le andature sia a chi vuole imparare il freestyte. I corsi permettono di apprendere rapidamente e in massima sicurezza le andature di navigazione migliorare la bolina, imparare la tecnica del salto Questi corsi permettono di progredire piu rapidamente evitando i rischi di un apprendimento autodidatta l'istruttore seguirà l'allievo con un altro kite fornendo le istruzioni a voce o con red o casco Verranno anche fatte alcune riprese video da visualizzare e analizzare con l'istruttore
- This course is aimed for those who are looking to progress in jumps, trying and perfecting the individual movements up to the most technical jumps The freestyle course is fully customizable and will ensure constant learning throughout the duration of the lessons. The variety of jumps that you can learn while attending the course is extremely wide-ranging as you can learn how to -jump and experience unhooked pop and raley, riding blind and raley to blind, sbend or unhooked kite loop power jumps.

Kitesurf: Le Origini
Kitesurf: Le origini Come è nato e come si e sviluppata questa disciplina? L’uso di aquiloni per trainare oggetti o persone è una pratica che

Windsurf: Le Origini
Windsurf: Le origini Come è nato e come si e svluppata questa disciplina? Il windsurf nacque ufficialmente nel 1967 da un’idea di un ingegnere aerospaziale californiano,
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